Our team shares their favorite holiday traditions to bring in the winter season!
Marie Callaway, Owner
“I love Thanksgiving – it is like Christmas without gifts and stress. Everyone gets together when they can without a bunch of expectations around what they are going to get or give. It is one day. Christmas is an entire season.”
Judy Gilmore, Transaction Coordinator
“Through the years with my own children and now my granddaughters; as a family we go to dinner, dressed for the season in our “best” and then on to experience the “Nutcracker” live on stage. We are scheduled this year to attend the Colorado Ballet at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House in Denver on December 18th, so this wonderful tradition continues for our family.”

Moscow Ballet
Cheryl Krause, Transaction Coordinator
“My favorite tradition is taking communion with my family before our big Christmas feast.”
Dawn Soper, Realtor, Administrative Assistant
“My family has always opened gifts on Christmas Eve. Leaving Santa gifts for Christmas morning. I have always liked this tradition. Just quiet family time on the 24th….simple meal in front of a fireplace. Opening gifts at 7-8pm. Time to play and enjoy what you have received. To bed by 10:00 so the big guy can come. Up early the next day. Hot chocolate and homemade cinnamon rolls until breakfast is served about 10am. It’s all about family and being together.”

Wintergreen Resort
Deena Ramsaur, Realtor, Client Care Specialist
“My favorite holiday tradition is a fun one! On Christmas Eve we come up with really fun silly games to play. One of our family favorites is to pitch in $5.00 per person in ones or fives. Then we gather around a table and use sticky slappy hands when we yell go, everyone tries to get the money. It is hilarious!”
Holly Westlind
“As we all know so well, Colorado is an amazing state to live in or visit for winter activities. Hiking is an activity that I’ve enjoyed thoroughly in all seasons of the year but can be tricky sometimes in the winter depending on the location. Within the past couple years, I’ve taken up snowshoeing. It is truly a fantastic source of not only exercise but also therapy for the heart and soul. Being in the most tranquil of locations with a “quiet” like one has never known…sun on your face combined with the chill in the air is one of the most exhilarating feelings I’ve ever experienced. I highly suggest you give it a try. Head to Rocky Mountain National Park for some great winter showshoeing trails. Snowshoe Rentals are available at Estes Park Mountain Shop along with recommendations of which trail would be the best for your experience level. www.estes-park.com. Visit www.estesparkmountainshop.com