The Grass is Greener….
The most interesting thing about horse properties is how diverse the variety is. While there will always be one just as appealing as yours is, no two are alike. You may have a financially viable horse operation or a place where your much loved Morgan Quarter Horse has lived out his life in between 4-H competitions with his companion donkey, Zeke. The approach to each style of property can be radically different, however, there are a few key tips to consider before putting your property on the market for sale.
How does the land look? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder in horse property just as it is with the inside of your home. The ideal property showcases the lush green pasture where a horse can graze. So it is imperative that you put some effort into removing the jumble of leftover wood you saved from building the arena, the antique tractor nestled in the shoulder-high weeds behind the barn and repair fence lines
Barn, stable and loafing sheds. If you don’t already have them, install rubber mats for each stall as they are an integral aspect that a buyer looks for. Clean the space. There’s no room for stalls that aren’t mucked out or the trail of hay that you dragged over to feed your best friend this morning. Look for and clear spider webs and debris; get rid of anything that doesn’t really have a specific and immediate use.
Tack Room. Take an objective look at your tack room. Is this a place where you’d really leave your trophy saddle? You may not have one, but the buyer considering your property might. Is it impeccably clean and organized? Is it secure from both thieves and critters? Does the lighting make you want to spend time there cleaning your saddle? If the answer is no to any of these, you have some time to spend sprucing it up.
Fencing. Buyers don’t want to purchase a property that needs work before they even get moved it. Take a moment to slowly walk your fence-line to see where a four-legged friend might find his way out of the pasture and into the neighboring pasture to get lost. Look for rotting boards in need of replacement and waterers in need of service.
Round Pens & Arenas. As these are the ‘office’ of the property, make sure these spaces are clean just as you would the stalls. Check the footing, trim the weeds and check the gates.
The House – last but certainly not least, if there is a home on the property, is it in the condition that someone who can afford horses would really live there? While it is true that many horses live better than their human counterparts, it is incredibly important that your home not look like a barn.
Consider having an inspection done on your property so that you can look after unknown items ahead of time instead of getting a costly surprise after contract. Be proactive. Complete a radon test, roof inspection, well inspection and/or septic cleaning/service now, not later. Give your Realtor the very best chance of getting the highest price for your horse property first time out the gate.