I love Spring! It is full of hope and sunshine.
It is also a great time to dig into all those “Spring Cleaning” items that have accumulated over the long Winter here in Colorado.
Start Outdoors
Roof: Call a professional roofer to look for damaged shingles or signs of leaking, cracks or overdue maintenance items.
Gutters: While you’re checking out your roof, take a moment to have the gutters cleaned out. Check for holes and caulk them. Make sure your downspouts are facing away from your foundation to ensure proper drainage.
Concrete: Time to take a quick stroll around your property to check for cracking along the driveway or walkways. Either replace cracked concrete that is beyond repair or fill the cracks with silicone caulk or concrete fillers
Faucets: If you have outdoor faucets, test them by letting them run. Look for signs of leaking.
Air Conditioning: Replace filters, clean ducts and vents. Dirty filters prevent air from passing through, leading to lower air quality to your home. This step can lower your energy consumption.
Windows & Doors: Check all your screens and doors to make sure critters don’t get in. It’s a great time of year to wash all your windows & screens. A vacuum with a soft brush attachment is perfect for those dirty tracks. Clean the weep holds on storm windows, then test them to be sure they open by pouring water into the sill. Use a thin wire to clear the holes. Remove tall grasses or stagnant water near your windows to make sure you don’t have a breeding ground for bugs.
Sprinklers: Run your sprinkler system and watch for leaks or misdirected heads. Your concrete doesn’t grow if it is watered.
Deck: Inspect for loose or rusty nails, replace listing or rotting boards. Look for and repair water stains, warping and discoloration.
Landscaping: It is time to clean up the flowerbeds, replace dead plants and install fresh mulch. Check for low areas created by rain or snow and fill in with compacted soil to prevent foundation damage and flooding.
Your lawn needs some tending now to ensure rich green summer grass. Rake the thatch and dead grass from the lawn to allow fertilizer and seed to penetrate better. Try laying down a layer of seed to fill in areas of dead and apply a nitrogen fertilizer to give the established grass a nice boost.
Railing, Stairs & Fences: If left unattended, railings, fences, trellis and stairs can rot and decay. Repair any fence panels that are damaged. Glue split or broken pieces back together. Be sure to support the pieces with tape as the glue dries. Power wash tired wood and then oil or stain the wood to preserve it. This will prolong the life of your fence.
Now back Indoors
Open all the windows on a nice sunny day to air out the house. Clean the window sills.
Now is the time to replace or repair lights, lightbulbs, appliances and other systems in your home. Think about upgrading to more energy efficient options on insulation, doors, windows & skylights. Install a programmable thermostat with sensors around your home to reduce your energy consumption.
Change the batteries on smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Double check fire extinguishers to make sure the needle is in the green zone. Check that exhaust fans are working well.
Look for signs of moisture in the basement and attic that may not have been noticed through the winter. If anything smells like mildew, address it immediately. Find the source, stop it and seal it off.
Have the furnace cleaned and serviced by a qualified HVAC technician.
Then, make a batch of Easter cookies and decorate them to give to neighbors and friends. Spread the cheer!